“Tooth,” etching with aquatint and spitbite, 7” x 5.25”

“Squirrel,” etching with aquatint, 8” x 8”

“Dead End,” etching with aquatint, spitbite and watercolor, 8.375” x 7”

“Factory with Hillside,” etching with aquatint and spitbite, 8.125” x 5.875”
"Garage House,” etching with aquatint and spitbite, 9.375” x 11.75”

“Pollard Tree,” etching with aquatint and spitbite, 5.5” x 6.75”

“Chain Link Gate,” drypoint and spitbite, 5” x 5”

“Column,” etching with aquatint, 9” x 12”